Source code for tournaments.objects.base

from __future__ import annotations
from copy import copy

import discord
import logging
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import contextlib
import aiofiles
import aiofiles.os
import filecmp
import csv
import shutil

from discord.ext import tasks
from random import choice, shuffle
from itertools import islice
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
from babel.dates import format_date, format_time
from typing import Mapping, Optional, Tuple, List, Union

from redbot import __version__ as red_version
from redbot.core import Config
from import Red
from redbot.core.i18n import Translator, get_babel_locale, set_contextual_locales_from_guild
from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import humanize_timedelta, pagify

log = logging.getLogger("red.laggron.tournaments")
_ = Translator("Tournaments", __file__)


[docs] class Participant(discord.Member): """ Defines a participant in the tournament. This inherits from `discord.Member` and adds the necessary additional methods. If you're implementing this for a new provider, the following methods need to be implemented: * `player_id` (may be a var or a property) * `destroy` Parameters ---------- member: discord.Member The member participating to the tournament tournament: Tournament The current tournament Attributes ---------- member: discord.Member The member participating to the tournament tournament: Tournament The current tournament elo: int An integer representing the player's elo (seeding from braacket) checked_in: bool Defines if the member checked in match: Optional[Match] The player's current match. `None` if not in game. spoke: bool Defines if the member spoke once in their channel (used for AFK check) """ def __init__(self, member: discord.Member, tournament: Tournament): # code from discord.Member._copy self._roles = discord.utils.SnowflakeList(member._roles, is_sorted=True) self.joined_at = member.joined_at self.premium_since = member.premium_since self._client_status = member._client_status.copy() self.guild = member.guild self.nick = member.nick self.activities = member.activities self._state = member._state # Reference will not be copied unless necessary by PRESENCE_UPDATE self._user = member._user # now our own stuff self.tournament = tournament self._player_id = None self.elo = None # ranking and seeding stuff self.checked_in = False self.match: Optional[Match] = None self.spoke = False # True as soon as the participant sent a message in their channel # used to detect inactivity after the launch of a set def __repr__(self): return ( "<Participant name={!r} id={} player_id={0.player_id} tournament_name={} " "tournament_id={} spoke={0.spoke}>" ).format(self, self._user) @classmethod def from_saved_data(cls, tournament: Tournament, data: dict): member = tournament.guild.get_member(data["discord_id"]) if member is None: log.warning(f"[Guild {}] Lost participant {data['discord_id']}") return None participant = cls(member, tournament) participant._player_id = data["player_id"] participant.spoke = data["spoke"] participant.checked_in = data["checked_in"] return participant def to_dict(self) -> dict: return { "discord_id":, "player_id": self.player_id, "spoke": self.spoke, "checked_in": self.checked_in, }
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets the `match` attribute to `None` and `spoke` to `False` (match ended). """ self.match = None self.spoke = False
[docs] async def check(self, send_dm: bool = True): """ Checks the member in. In addition to changing the `checked_in` attribute, it also DMs the member and saves the config. """ self.checked_in = True log.debug(f"[Guild {}] Player {self} registered.") await if not send_dm: return try: await self.send( _("You successfully checked in for the tournament **{name}**!").format( ) ) except discord.Forbidden: pass
@property def player_id(self): """ Returns an identifier for the player, specific to the bracket. This should be overwritten. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def destroy(self): """ Removes the participant from the tournament. Represents an API call and should be overwritten. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class Match: """ Defines a match in the tournament, with two players facing each other. This should only be created when convenient, aka when a match needs to be started. Matches with no players yet or finished are not builded. If you're implementing this for a new provider, the following methods need to be implemented: * `set_scores` * `mark_as_underway` * `unmark_as_underway` (unused for now) Parameters ---------- tournament: Tournament The match's tournament. round: str The round of this match in the bracket (e.g. 1 for first round of winner bracket, -1 for first round of loser bracket). set: str The number of the match. Challonge calls this the suggested play order (goes from 1 to N, the number of matches in the bracket). id: int A unique identifier for the API underway: bool If the match is underway (provided by API) player1: Participant The first player of this match. player2: Participant The second player of this match. Attributes ---------- tournament: Tournament The match's tournament. round: str The round of this match in the bracket (e.g. 1 for first round of winner bracket, -1 for first round of loser bracket). set: str The number of the match. Challonge calls this the suggested play order (goes from 1 to N, the number of matches in the bracket). id: int A unique identifier for the API player1: Participant The first player of this match. player2: Participant The second player of this match. channel: Optional[discord.TextChannel] The channel for this match. May be `None` if the match hasn't started yet, or if it couldn't be created and is therefore in DM. start_time: Optional[datetime] Start time of this match. `None` if it hasn't started yet. end_time: Optional[datetime] End time of this match, or time of the latest message. `None` if it hasn't started or ended yet. This is updated as soon as a message is sent in the channel. Used for knowing when to delete the channel (5 min after last message). status: str Defines the current state of the match. * ``"pending"``: Waiting to be launched (no channel or stream pending) * ``"ongoing"``: Match started * ``"finished"``: Score set, awaiting channel deletion warned: Optional[Union[datetime, bool]] Defines if there was a warn for duration. `None` if no warn was sent, `datetime.datetime` if there was one first warn sent (correspond to the time when it was send, we rely on that to know when to send the second warn), and finally `True` when the second warn is sent (to the T.O.s). streamer: Optional[Streamer] The streamer assigned to this match, if any. on_hold: bool `True` if the match is not started but on hold, awaiting something (most likely inside a stream queue, waiting for its turn) is_top8: bool `True` if the match is in the top 8 of the tournament is_bo5: bool `True` if the match is in BO5 format instead of BO3 round_name: str Name of the round (ex: Winner semi-finals, Loser round -2) checked_dq: bool If we performed AFK checks. Setting this to `True` is possible and will disable further AFK checks for this match. """ def __init__( self, tournament: Tournament, round: int, set: str, id: int, underway: bool, player1: Participant, player2: Participant, ): self.guild: discord.Guild = tournament.guild self.tournament = tournament self.round = round self.set = set = id self.underway = underway self.player1 = player1 self.player2 = player2 Optional[discord.TextChannel] = None self.start_time: Optional[datetime] = None self.end_time: Optional[datetime] = None self.status = "pending" # can be "pending" "ongoing" "finished" self.warned: Optional[Union[datetime, bool]] = None # time of the first warn for duration, if any. if a second warn was sent, set to True self.streamer: Optional[Streamer] = None self.on_hold = False # True if this is match is awaiting for a stream # one or more players can be None # if this is the case, the bot will most likely close the match right after this with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): player1.match = self player2.match = self self.is_top8 = ( round >= tournament.top_8["winner"]["top8"] or round <= tournament.top_8["loser"]["top8"] ) self.is_bo5 = ( round >= tournament.top_8["winner"]["bo5"] or round <= tournament.top_8["loser"]["bo5"] ) self.round_name = self._get_name() self.checked_dq = True if self.is_top8 else False def __repr__(self): return ( "<Match status={0.status} round={0.round} set={0.set} id={} underway={0.underway} " "channel={} start={0.start_time} tournament={} " "guild_id={} player1={} player2={}>" ).format(self) def __del__(self): if self.streamer is not None: self.streamer.current_match = None try: self.streamer.matches.remove(self) except ValueError: pass if self.tournament.cancelling is False and channel = self.guild.get_channel( if channel is not None: log.warning( f"[Guild {}] Set {self.set} removed from memory while " f"the text channel with ID {} still exists." ) @property def duration(self) -> Optional[timedelta]: """ Returns the duration of this match, or `None` if it hasn't started. """ if self.start_time: return - self.start_time @classmethod def from_saved_data(cls, tournament: Tournament, player1, player2, data: dict) -> Match: match = cls( tournament, data["round"], data["set"], data["id"], data["underway"], player1, player2 ) = tournament.guild.get_channel(data["channel"]) warned = data["warned"] if isinstance(warned, bool) or warned is None: match.warned = warned else: match.warned = datetime.fromtimestamp(warned, match.on_hold = bool(data["on_hold"]) match.status = data["status"] match.checked_dq = data["checked_dq"] match.start_time = ( datetime.fromtimestamp(data["start_time"], if data["start_time"] else None ) match.end_time = ( datetime.fromtimestamp(data["end_time"], if data["end_time"] else None ) return match def to_dict(self) -> dict: return { "round": self.round, "set": self.set, "id":, "underway": self.underway, "player1": self.player1.player_id, "player2": self.player2.player_id, "channel": if else None, "start_time": self.start_time.timestamp() if self.start_time else None, "end_time": self.end_time.timestamp() if self.end_time else None, "status": self.status, "checked_dq": self.checked_dq, "warned": self.warned.timestamp() if isinstance(self.warned, datetime) else self.warned, "on_hold": self.on_hold, } def _get_name(self) -> str: if self.round > 0: max_round = self.tournament.top_8["winner"]["top8"] + 2 return { max_round: _("Grand Final"), max_round - 1: _("Winners Final"), max_round - 2: _("Winners Semi-Final"), max_round - 3: _("Winners Quarter-Final"), }.get(self.round, _("Winners round {round}").format(round=self.round)) elif self.round < 0: max_round = self.tournament.top_8["loser"]["top8"] - 3 return { max_round: _("Losers Final"), max_round + 1: _("Losers Semi-Final"), max_round + 2: _("Losers Quarter-Final"), }.get(self.round, _("Losers round {round}").format(round=self.round)) async def _dm_players(self, message: str): players = (self.player1, self.player2) for player in players: try: await player.send(message) except discord.HTTPException as e: log.warning(f"Can't send a DM to {str(player)} for their set.", exc_info=e)
[docs] async def send_message(self, reset: bool = False) -> bool: """ Send a message in the created channel. Parameters ---------- reset: bool ``True`` if the match is started because of a reset. Returns ------- bool ``False`` if the message couldn't be sent, and was sent in DM instead. """ if reset is True: message = _( ":warning: **The bracket was modified!** This results in this match having to be " "replayed. Please check your new position on the bracket.\n\n" ) else: message = "" top8 = _("**(top 8)** :fire:") if self.is_top8 else "" message += _( ":arrow_forward: **{0.set}** : {0.player1.mention} vs {0.player2.mention} {top8}\n" ).format(self, top8=top8) if self.tournament.ruleset_channel: message += _( ":white_small_square: The rules must follow the ones given in {channel}\n" ).format(channel=self.tournament.ruleset_channel.mention) if self.tournament.stages: message += _( ":white_small_square: The list of legal stages " "is available with `{prefix}stages` command.\n" ).format(prefix=self.tournament.bot_prefix) if self.tournament.counterpicks: message += _( ":white_small_square: The list of counter stages " "is available with `{prefix}counters` command.\n" ).format(prefix=self.tournament.bot_prefix) score_channel = ( _("in {channel}").format(channel=self.tournament.scores_channel.mention) if self.tournament.scores_channel else "" ) message += _( ":white_small_square: In case of lag making the game unplayable, use the " "`{prefix}lag` command to call the T.O. and solve the problem.\n" ":white_small_square: **As soon as the set is done**, the winner sets the " "score {score_channel} with the `{prefix}win` command.\n" ":arrow_forward: You will play this set as a {type}.\n" ).format( prefix=self.tournament.bot_prefix, score_channel=score_channel, type=_("**BO5** *(best of 5)*") if self.is_bo5 else _("**BO3** *(best of 3)*"), ) if self.tournament.baninfo: chosen_player = choice([self.player1, self.player2]) message += _( ":game_die: **{player}** was picked to begin the bans *({baninfo})*.\n" ).format(player=chosen_player.mention, baninfo=self.tournament.baninfo) if self.streamer is not None and self.on_hold is True: message += _( "**\nYou will be on stream on {streamer}!**\n" ":warning: **Do not play your set for now and wait for your turn.** " "I will send a message once it is your turn with instructions." ).format( # else, we're about to send another message with instructions async def send_in_dm(): nonlocal message message += _( "\n\n**You channel can't be created because of a problem. " "Do your set in DM and come back to set the result.**" ) await self._dm_players(message) if is None: await send_in_dm() result = False else: try: await except discord.HTTPException as e: log.error( f"[Guild {}] Can't create a channel for the set {self.set}", exc_info=e, ) await send_in_dm() result = False else: result = True self.tournament.matches_to_announce.append( _( ":arrow_forward: **{name}** ({bo_type}): {player1} vs {player2}" "{on_stream} {top8} {channel}." ).format( name=self.round_name, bo_type=_("BO5") if self.is_bo5 else _("BO3"), player1=self.player1.mention, player2=self.player2.mention, on_stream=_(" **on stream!**") if self.streamer else "", top8=top8, channel=_("in {channel}").format( if result is True else _("in DM"), ) ) return result
[docs] async def start_stream(self): """ Send a pending set, awaiting for its turn, on stream. Only call this if there's a streamer. """ destination = if else self._dm_players if self.streamer.room_id: access = _("\n\nHere are the access codes:\nID: {id}\nPasscode: {passcode}").format( id=self.streamer.room_id, passcode=self.streamer.room_code ) else: access = "" if self.status != "ongoing": await self._start() self.on_hold = False self.checked_dq = True await destination( _("You can go on stream on {channel} !{access}").format(, access=access ) ) if self.tournament.stream_channel: await self.tournament.stream_channel.send( _( ":arrow_forward: Sending set {set} ({name}) on stream " "with **{streamer}**: {player1} vs {player2}" ).format( set=self.set, name=self._get_name(),, player1=self.player1.mention, player2=self.player2.mention, ), allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(users=False), )
[docs] async def stream_queue_add(self): """ Modify the status of an ongoing match to tell that it is now on stream. This is called when a streamer adds an ongoing match to its queue, then the following things are done: * AFK checks are cancelled * **If the match is the first one in the stream queue:** Nothing is cancelled, we just ping the players with the stream informations. * **If the match is not the first one in the stream queue:** We mark the match as not underway, change the status to pending, and tell the players. """ destination = if else self._dm_players self.checked_dq = True if self.on_hold is True: self.status = "pending" self.start_time = None self.underway = False await destination( _( "{player1} {player2}\n" ":warning: Your match was just added to {channel}'s stream queue ({link})\n" "**You must stop playing now and wait for your turn.** " "Sorry for this sudden change, please contact a T.O. if you have a question." ).format( player1=self.player1.mention, player2=self.player2.mention,,, ) ) try: await asyncio.wait_for(self.unmark_as_underway(), timeout=60) except Exception as e: log.warning( f"[Guild {}] Can't unmark set {self.set} as underway.", exc_info=e ) await self.tournament.to_channel.send( _( "There was an issue unmarking set {set} as underway. The bracket may not " "display correct informations, but this isn't critical at all.\n" "Players may have issues setting their score, " "you can set that manually on the bracket." ).format( if else f"#{self.set}") ) await destination( _( "There was an issue unmarking your set as underway. The bracket may not " "display correct informations, but this isn't critical.\n" "If you encounter an issue setting your score, contact a T.O." ) ) else: if self.streamer.room_id: access = _( "\n\nHere are the access codes:\nID: {id}\nPasscode: {passcode}" ).format(id=self.streamer.room_id, passcode=self.streamer.room_code) else: access = "" await destination( _( "{player1} {player2}\n" ":warning: Your match was just added to {channel}'s stream ({link}).\n" "**You must now play on stream!**{access}" ).format( player1=self.player1.mention, player2=self.player2.mention,,, access=access, ) )
[docs] async def cancel_stream(self): """ Call if the stream is cancelled (streamer left of match removed from queue). A message will be sent, telling players to start playing, and AFK checks will be re-enabled. """ destination = if else self._dm_players self.streamer = None self.on_hold = False await self._start() await destination( _( "{player1} {player2} The stream was cancelled. You can start/continue " "your match normally.\n:warning: AFK checks are re-enabled." ).format(player1=self.player1.mention, player2=self.player2.mention) )
[docs] async def create_channel( self, category: discord.CategoryChannel, *allowed_roles: list ) -> discord.TextChannel: """ Creates a channel for the match and returns its object. Returns ------- discord.TextChannel The created text channel """ overwrites = { discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=True, send_messages=True, manage_channels=True ), self.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), self.player1: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=True), self.player2: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=True), } for role in allowed_roles: overwrites[role] = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=True) return await self.guild.create_text_channel( self.set, category=category, overwrites=overwrites, reason=_("Set launch") )
async def _start(self): target = if else self._dm_players self.status = "ongoing" self.underway = True self.checked_dq = False self.start_time = try: await asyncio.wait_for(self.mark_as_underway(), timeout=60) except Exception as e: log.warning( f"[Guild {}] Can't mark set {self.set} as underway.", exc_info=e ) await self.tournament.to_channel.send( _( "There was an issue marking set {set} as underway. The bracket may not " "display correct informations, but this isn't critical at all.\n" "Players may have issues setting their score, " "you can set that manually on the bracket." ).format( if else f"#{self.set}") ) await target( _( "There was an issue marking your set as underway. The bracket may not " "display correct informations, but you can play as usual for now.\n" "If you encounter an issue setting your score, contact a T.O." ) )
[docs] async def launch( self, *, category: Optional[discord.CategoryChannel] = None, restart: bool = False, allowed_roles: List[discord.Role] = [], ): """ Launches the set. This does the following: * Try to create a text channel with permissions for the two players and the given roles * Send a DM to both members * Mark the set as ongoing Parameters ---------- category: Optional[discord.CategoryChannel] The category where to put the channel. If this is not provided, one will be found. If you're launching multiple sets at once with asyncio.gather, use this to prevent seeing one category per channel restart: bool If the match is restarted. allowed_roles: List[discord.Role] A list of roles with read_messages permission in the text channel. """ if category is None: category = await self.tournament._get_available_category( "winner" if self.round > 0 else "loser" ) allowed_roles = list(allowed_roles) allowed_roles.extend(self.tournament.allowed_roles) try: channel = await self.create_channel(category, *allowed_roles) except discord.HTTPException as e: log.error( f"[Guild {}] Couldn't create a channel for the set {self.set}.", exc_info=e, ) else: = channel await self.send_message(reset=restart) if self.on_hold is False: await self._start() if self.streamer is not None: await self.start_stream()
[docs] async def relaunch(self): """ This is called in case of a match reset (usually from remote). We inform the players they need to play their set again, eventually re-use their old channel if it still exists. """ if is not None: await self.mark_as_underway() self.status = "ongoing" await _( "{player1} {player2}\n" ":warning: The score of this set was reset on the bracket. " "Therefore, **the set must be replayed**. Ask the T.O. if you have " "questions or believe this is a mistake." ).format(player1=self.player1.mention, player2=self.player2.mention) ) self.underway = True self.start_time = else: await self.launch(restart=True)
[docs] async def check_inactive(self): """ Checks for inactive players (reads `Participant.spoke` only), and DQ them if required. .. warning:: This doesn't check durations and assumes it's been done already. Will set `checked_dq` to `True`. """ self.checked_dq = True players = (self.player1, self.player2) if all((x.spoke is False for x in players)): log.debug( f"[Guild {}] Both players inactive, DQing " f"both and cancelling set #{self.set}." ) await self.player1.destroy() await self.player2.destroy() try: await except discord.HTTPException as e: log.warn( f"[Guild {}] Can't delete set channel #{self.set}.", exc_info=e ) await self.tournament.to_channel.send( _( ":information_source: **Automatic DQ** of {player1} and {player2} for " "inactivity, the set #{set} is cancelled." ).format(player1=self.player1.mention, player2=self.player2.mention, set=self.set) ) = None self.cancel() return for player in players: if player.spoke is False: log.debug( f"[Guild {}] DQing player {player} " f"for inactivity (set #{self.set})" ) await player.destroy() await _(":timer: **Automatic DQ of {player} for inactivity.**").format( player=player.mention ) ) await self.tournament.to_channel.send( _( ":information_source: **Automatic DQ** of {player} " "for inactivity, set #{set}." ).format(player=player.mention, set=self.set) ) try: await player.send( _( "Sorry, you were disqualified from this tournament " "because you weren't active in your channel. Contact the T.O. " "if you believe this is a mistake." ) ) except discord.HTTPException: # blocked or DMs not allowed pass self.cancel() break
[docs] async def warn_length(self): """ Warn players in their channels because of the duration of their match. """ target = or self._dm_players message = _( ":warning: This match is taking a lot of time!\n" "As soon as this is finished, set your score with `{prefix}win`{channel}." ).format( prefix=self.tournament.bot_prefix, channel=_(" in {channel}").format(channel=self.tournament.scores_channel.mention) if self.tournament.scores_channel else "", ) time = self.tournament.time_until_warn["bo5" if self.is_bo5 else "bo3"][1] if time: message += _( "\nT.O.s will be warned if this match is still ongoing in {time}." ).format(time=humanize_timedelta(timedelta=time)) try: await target(message) except discord.NotFound: = None self.warned =
[docs] async def warn_to_length(self): """ Warn T.O.s because of the duration of this match. Also tell the players """ await self.tournament.to_channel.send( _( ":warning: The set {set} is taking a lot of time (now open since {time} minutes)." ).format( if else _("#{set} (in DM)").format(set=self.set), time=round(self.duration.total_seconds() // 60), ) ) self.warned = True target = or self._dm_players await target(_("Your match is taking too much time, T.O.s were warned."))
[docs] async def end(self, player1_score: int, player2_score: int, upload: bool = True): """ Set the score and end the match. The winner is determined by comparing the two scores (defaults to player 1 if equal). Parameters ---------- player1_score: int First player's score. player2_score: int Second player's score. upload: bool If the score should be uploaded to the bracket. Set `False` to only send the message with a note "score set on bracket" added. Defaults to `True`. """ if upload is True: await self.set_scores(player1_score, player2_score) self.cancel() winner = self.player1 if player1_score > player2_score else self.player2 score = ( f"{player1_score}-{player2_score}" if player1_score > player2_score else f"{player2_score}-{player1_score}" ) if is not None: await _( ":bell: __Score reported__ : **{winner}** wins{score} !\n" "*In case of a problem, call a T.O. to fix the score.*\n" "*Note : this channel will be deleted after 5 minutes of inactivity.*{remote}" ).format( winner=winner.mention, score=f" **{score}**" if player1_score + player2_score > 0 else "", remote=_("\n\n:information_source: The score was directly set on the bracket.") if upload is False else "", ) )
[docs] async def force_end(self): """ Called when a set is cancelled (remove bracket modifications or reset). The channel is deleted, a DM is sent, and the instance will most likely be deleted soon after. """ self.player1.reset() self.player2.reset() for player in (self.player1, self.player2): try: await player.send( _( ":warning: **Your set is cancelled!** This is probably because of " "manual bracket modifications.\nCheck the bracket, and contact a T.O. " "if you believe this is a problem." ) ) except discord.HTTPException: pass if is not None: try: await reason=_( "Remote returned a different match list, or the bracket was reset. I am " "therefore clearing the outdated matches. Check the bracket for details." ) ) except discord.HTTPException as e: log.warn( f"[Guild {}] Can't delete set channel #{self.set}.", exc_info=e )
[docs] async def disqualify(self, player: Union[Participant, int]): """ Called when a player in the set is destroyed. There is no API call, just messages sent to the players. player: Union[Participant, int] The disqualified player. Provide an `int` if the member left. """ self.cancel() if isinstance(player, int): winner = ( self.player1 if self.player1 is not None and self.player1.player_id != player else self.player2 ) player = _("Player with ID {id} (lost on Discord) ").format(id=player) else: winner = self.player1 if != else self.player2 player = _("Player {player}").format(player=player.mention) if is not None: await _( "{player} disqualified from the tournament.\n" "{winner.mention} is winning this set!" ).format(player=player, winner=winner) ) else: try: await winner.send( _( "Your opponent was disqualified from the tournament.\n" "You are winning this set!" ) ) except discord.HTTPException: pass
[docs] async def forfeit(self, player: Participant): """ Called when a player in the set forfeits this match. This doesn't always mean that the player quits the tournament, as they may continue in the loser bracket. Sets a score of -1 0 Parameters ---------- player: Participant The player that forfeits. """ if == score = (-1, 0) else: score = (0, -1) await self.set_scores(*score) self.cancel() winner = self.player1 if != else self.player2 if is not None: await _( "Player {player.mention} forfeits this set.\n{winner.mention} is winning!" ).format(player=player, winner=winner) ) else: try: await winner.send(_("Your opponent forfeited.\nYou are winning this set!")) except discord.HTTPException: pass
[docs] def cancel(self): """ Mark a match as finished (updated `status` and `end_time` + calls `Participant.reset`) """ with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError): self.player1.reset() self.player2.reset() self.status = "finished" self.end_time =
[docs] async def set_scores( self, player1_score: int, player2_score: int, winner: Optional[Participant] = None ): """ Set the score for the set. Parameters ---------- player1_score: int The score of the first player. player2_score: int The score of the second player. winner: Optional[Participant] The winner of the set. If not provided, the player with the highest score will be selected. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def mark_as_underway(self): """ Marks the match as underway. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def unmark_as_underway(self): """ Unmarks the match as underway. This shouldn't ever be needed, just here in case of. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class Tournament: """ Represents a tournament in a guild. This object is created as soon as the tournament is setup, and destroyed only once it ends. The config is loaded inside and will not be updated unless reloaded. This contains all of the methods useful for the tournament, a list of `Participant` and a list of `Match`, and a `discord.ext.tasks.Loop` task updating the infos from the bracket. This contains the base structure, but no interface with a bracket, this has to be implemented later by inheriting from this class and overwriting the abstract methods, allowing multiple providers to work with the same structure. If you're implementing this for a new provider, the following methods need to be implemented: * `_get_all_rounds` * `_update_match_list` * `_update_participants_list` * `start` * `stop` * `add_participant` * `add_participants` * `destroy_player` * `list_participants` * `list_matches` * `reset` And set the following class vars with your other inherited objects for `Participant` and `Match` : * `match_object` * `participant_object` See ```` for an example. Parameters ---------- bot: The bot object guild: discord.Guild The current guild for the tournament config: redbot.core.Config The cog's Config object name: str Name of the tournament game: str Name of the game url: str Link of the bracket id: str Internal ID for the tournament limit: Optional[int] An optional limit of participants status: str The status provided by the API tournament_start: datetime.datetime Expected start time for this tournament. Planned events are based on this. bot_prefix: str A prefix to use for displaying commands without context. cog_version: str Current version of Tournaments data: dict A dict with all the config required for the tournament (combines guild and game settings) Attributes ---------- bot: The bot object guild: discord.Guild The current guild for the tournament config: redbot.core.Config The cog's Config object name: str Name of the tournament game: str Name of the game url: str Link of the bracket id: str Internal ID for the tournament limit: Optional[int] An optional limit of participants status: str The status provided by the API tournament_start: datetime.datetime Expected start time for this tournament. Planned events are based on this. tz: datetime.tzinfo The timezone of the tournament. You need to use this when creating datetime objects. .. code-block:: python from datetime import datetime now = bot_prefix: str A prefix to use for displaying commands without context. cog_version: str Current version of Tournaments participants: List[Participant] List of participants in the tournament matches: List[Match] List of open matches in the tournament streamers: List[Streamer] List of streamers in the tournament winner_categories: List[discord.CategoryChannel] List of categories created for the winner bracket loser_categories: List[discord.CategoryChannel] List of categories created for the loser bracket category: Optional[discord.CategoryChannel] The category defined (our categories will be created below) announcements_channel: Optional[discord.TextChannel] The channel for announcements checkin_channel: Optional[discord.TextChannel] The channel for check-in queue_channel: Optional[discord.TextChannel] The channel for match queue register_channel: Optional[discord.TextChannel] The channel for registrations scores_channel: Optional[discord.TextChannel] The channel for score setting stream_channel: Optional[discord.TextChannel] The channel for announcing matches on stream to_channel: discord.TextChanne] The channel for tournament organizers. Send warnings there. vip_register_channel: Optional[discord.TextChannel] A channel where registrations are always open participant_role: discord.Role The role given to participants streamer_role: Optional[discord.Role] Role giving access to stream commands to_role: Optional[discord.Role] Role giving access to T.O. commands credentials: dict Credentials for connecting to the bracket delay: int Time in minutes until disqualifying a participant for AFK time_until_warn: dict Represents the different warn times for duration autostop_register: bool Should the bot close registrations when it's full? ignored_events: list A list of events to ignore (checkin/register start/stop) register_start: Optional[datetime.datetime] When we should open the registrations automatically register_second_start: Optional[datetime.datetime] When we should open the registrations a second time automatically register_stop: Optional[datetime.datetime] When we should close the registrations automatically checkin_start: Optional[datetime.datetime] When we should open the checkin automatically checkin_stop: Optional[datetime.datetime] When we should close the checkin automatically ruleset_channel: Optional[discord.TextChannel] Channel for the rules game_role: Optional[discord.Role] Role targeted at players for this game. Basically we use that role when opening the registrations, for opening the channel and pinging. baninfo: Optional[str] Baninfo set (ex: 3-4-2) ranking: dict Data for braacket ranking stages: List[str] List of allowed stages counterpicks: List[str] List of allowed counterpicks phase: str Something very important! Used for knowing what is the current phase of the tournament. It is also used by commands to know if it is allowed to run. Can be the following values: * ``"pending"``: Tournament just setup, nothing open yet * ``"register"``: Registrations or check-in started and are not finished * ``"awaiting"``: Registrations and check-in done, awaiting upload and start * ``"ongoing"``: Tournament is started and ongoing * ``"finished"``: Tournament done. Should be immediatly deleted unless there's an issue register_phase: str Defines the current status of registration. Can be the following values: * ``"manual"``: No start date setup, waiting for manual start * ``"pending"``: Start date setup, awaiting automatic start * ``"ongoing"``: Registrations active * ``"onhold"``: Registrations started and ended once, but awaiting a second start * ``"done"``: Registrations ended checkin_phase: str Defines the current status of check-in. Can be the following values: * ``"manual"``: No start date setup, waiting for manual start * ``"pending"``: Start date setup, awaiting automatic start * ``"ongoing"``: Check-in active * ``"onhold"``: Check-in started and ended once, but awaiting a second start * ``"done"``: Check-in ended register_message: Optional[discord.Message] The pinned message in the registrations channel checkin_reminders: List[Tuple[int, bool]] A list of reminders to send for the check-in. Contains tuples of two items: when to send the reminder (minutes before check-in end date), and if the bot should DM members. This is calculated on check-in start. lock: asyncio.Lock A lock acquired when the tournament is being refreshed by the loop task, to prevent commands like win or dq from being run at the same time. *New since beta 13:* The lock is also acquired with the ``[p]in`` command to prevent too many concurrent tasks, breaking the limit. task: asyncio.Task The task for the `loop_task` function (`discord.ext.tasks.Loop` object) task_errors: int Number of errors that occured within the loop task. If it reaches 5, task is cancelled. top_8: dict Represents when the top 8 and bo5 begins in the bracket. matches_to_announce: List[str] A list of strings to announce in the defined queue channel. This is done to prevent sending too many messages at once and hitting ratelimits, so we wrap messages together. """ def __init__( self, bot: Red, guild: discord.Guild, config: Config, custom_config: str, name: str, game: str, url: str, id: str, limit: Optional[int], status: str, tournament_start: datetime, bot_prefix: str, cog_version: str, data: dict, ): = bot self.guild = guild = config self.config = custom_config = name = game self.url = url = id self.limit = limit self.status = status = tournament_start.tzinfo self.tournament_start = tournament_start self.bot_prefix = bot_prefix self.cog_version = cog_version self.participants: List[Participant] = [] self.matches: List[Match] = [] self.streamers: List[Streamer] = [] self.winner_categories: List[discord.CategoryChannel] = [] self.loser_categories: List[discord.CategoryChannel] = [] self.category: discord.CategoryChannel = guild.get_channel( data["channels"].get("category") ) self.announcements_channel: discord.TextChannel = guild.get_channel( data["channels"].get("announcements") ) self.checkin_channel: discord.TextChannel = guild.get_channel( data["channels"].get("checkin") ) self.queue_channel: discord.TextChannel = guild.get_channel(data["channels"].get("queue")) self.register_channel: discord.TextChannel = guild.get_channel( data["channels"].get("register") ) self.scores_channel: discord.TextChannel = guild.get_channel( data["channels"].get("scores") ) self.stream_channel: discord.TextChannel = guild.get_channel( data["channels"].get("stream") ) self.to_channel: discord.TextChannel = guild.get_channel(data["channels"].get("to")) self.lag_channel: discord.TextChannel = guild.get_channel(data["channels"].get("lag")) self.vip_register_channel: discord.TextChannel = guild.get_channel( data["channels"].get("vipregister") ) self.participant_role: discord.Role = guild.get_role(data["roles"].get("participant")) self.streamer_role: discord.Role = guild.get_role(data["roles"].get("streamer")) self.to_role: discord.Role = guild.get_role(data["roles"].get("to")) self.tester_role: discord.Role = guild.get_role(data["roles"].get("tester")) self.credentials = data["credentials"] # fitting to achallonge's requirements self.credentials["login"] = self.credentials.pop("username") self.credentials["password"] = self.credentials.pop("api") self.delay: timedelta = timedelta(seconds=data["delay"]) or None self.time_until_warn: Mapping[str, Tuple[timedelta]] = { "bo3": tuple( timedelta(seconds=x) or None for x in data["time_until_warn"].get("bo3", (1500, 600)) ), "bo5": tuple( timedelta(seconds=x) or None for x in data["time_until_warn"].get("bo5", (1800, 600)) ), } # the default values are somehow not loaded into the dict sometimes self.register: dict = data["register"] self.checkin: dict = data["checkin"] self.start_bo5: int = data["start_bo5"] self.autostop_register: bool = data["autostop_register"] self.ignored_events = [] # list of scheduled events to skip (register_start/checkin_stop) # works with next_scheduled_event, used for manual early starts/stops if data["register"]["second_opening"] != 0: self.register_second_start: datetime = tournament_start - timedelta( seconds=data["register"]["second_opening"] ) else: self.register_second_start = None self.ignored_events.append("register_second_start") if data["register"]["opening"] != 0: self.register_start: datetime = tournament_start - timedelta( seconds=data["register"]["opening"] ) else: self.register_start = None self.ignored_events.append("register_start") if data["register"]["closing"] != 0: self.register_stop: datetime = tournament_start - timedelta( seconds=data["register"]["closing"] ) else: self.register_stop = None self.ignored_events.append("register_stop") if data["checkin"]["opening"] != 0: self.checkin_start: datetime = tournament_start - timedelta( seconds=data["checkin"]["opening"] ) else: self.checkin_start = None self.ignored_events.append("checkin_start") if data["checkin"]["closing"] != 0: self.checkin_stop: datetime = tournament_start - timedelta( seconds=data["checkin"]["closing"] ) else: self.checkin_stop = None self.ignored_events.append("checkin_stop") self.ruleset_channel: discord.TextChannel = guild.get_channel(data["channels"]["ruleset"]) self.game_role: discord.Role = ( guild.get_role(data["roles"]["player"]) or guild.default_role ) self.baninfo: str = data["baninfo"] self.ranking: dict = data["ranking"] self.stages: list = data["stages"] self.counterpicks: list = data["counterpicks"] self.phase = "pending" # can be multiple values: # "pending": initial value, when the tournament is registered # "register": when registration/checkin is active # "awaiting": registration is done, participants are ready, waiting for upload and start # "ongoing": tournament started, also called the "high panic and RAM usage moment" # "finished": tournament ended. not even sure if it's possible, since tournament is deleted self.register_phase = "pending" if self.register_start else "manual" # can be: # "manual": no opening time provided, waiting for user # "pending": awaiting first registration start # "ongoing": active, first or second phase, or even manual # "onhold": done once, but there's still a scheduled opening time (most likely two-stage) # "done": ended, no more opening scheduled self.checkin_phase = "pending" if self.checkin_start else "manual" # same as above (yes "onhold" too, there could be a first manual start) self.register_message: Optional[discord.Message] = None # message being updated # list of timedeltas for checkin reminders, associated to whether we should send DMs or not # timedeltas are substracted from checkin_end (ex: 10 min before checkin ending) self.checkin_reminders: List[Tuple[int, bool]] = [] # loop task things self.lock = asyncio.Lock() self.task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None self.task_errors = 0 self.top_8 = { "winner": {"top8": None, "bo5": None}, "loser": {"top8": None, "bo5": None}, } # self.debug_task = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(self.debug_loop_task()) self.matches_to_announce: List[str] = [] # matches to announce in the queue channel self.cancelling = False # see Tournament.__del__ and Match.__del__ # 5 min cooldown on ranking fetch (use saved one instead) self.last_ranking_fetch: Optional[datetime] = None def __repr__(self): return ( "<Tournament name={} phase={0.phase} status={0.status} url={0.url} " "game={} limit={0.limit} id={} guild_id={}>" ).format(self) participant_object = Participant match_object = Match tournament_type = "base" # should be "challonge", or ""...
[docs] def cancel(self): """ Correctly clears the object, stopping the task and removing ranking data. """ self.cancelling = True if self.task: self.stop_loop_task() # try: # self.debug_task.cancel() # except AttributeError: # pass shutil.rmtree( cog_data_path(None, raw_name="Tournaments") / "ranking" / str(, ignore_errors=True, )
def __del__(self): self.cancel() # Config-related stuff
[docs] @classmethod async def from_saved_data( cls, bot: Red, guild: discord.Guild, config: Config, cog_version: str, data: dict, config_data: dict, ): """ Loads a tournament from Config. Due to Python's weird behaviour, this method must be reimplemented and simply called back without changes. """ tournament_start = datetime.fromtimestamp( int(data["tournament_start"][0]), tz=timezone(timedelta(seconds=data["tournament_start"][1])), ) custom_config = data.pop("config") participants = data.pop("participants") matches = data.pop("matches") streamers = data.pop("streamers") winner_categories = data.pop("winner_categories") loser_categories = data.pop("loser_categories") phase = data.pop("phase") register = data.pop("register") checkin = data.pop("checkin") ignored_events = data.pop("ignored_events") register_message_id = data.pop("register_message_id") checkin_reminders = data.pop("checkin_reminders") del data["tournament_start"], data["tournament_type"] tournament = cls( bot, guild, config, custom_config, **data, tournament_start=tournament_start, cog_version=cog_version, data=config_data, ) if phase == "ongoing": await tournament._get_top8() tournament.participants = list( filter( None, [ tournament.participant_object.from_saved_data(tournament, data) for data in participants ], ) ) if len(tournament.participants) < len(participants): await tournament._update_participants_list() if not tournament.participants and matches: raise RuntimeError( "Participants list is empty while there are ongoing matches! " "We probably don't want to continue resuming the tournament, as this " "could result in the disqualification of absolutely everyone." ) for data in matches: player1 = tournament.find_participant(player_id=data["player1"])[1] player2 = tournament.find_participant(player_id=data["player2"])[1] match = tournament.match_object.from_saved_data(tournament, player1, player2, data) if player1 is None and player2 is None: if await tournament.destroy_player(data["player1"]) await tournament.destroy_player(data["player2"]) try: await except discord.HTTPException as e: log.warn( f"[Guild {}] Can't delete set channel #{match.set}.", exc_info=e, ) await tournament.to_channel.send( _(":information_source: Set {match} cancelled, both players left.").format( set=match.set ) ) continue stop = False for i, player in enumerate((player1, player2), start=1): if player is None: await tournament.destroy_player(data[f"player{i}"]) await match.disqualify(data[f"player{i}"]) await tournament.to_channel.send( _( ":information_source: Set {set} finished, " "player with ID {player} can't be found." ).format(set=match.set, player=data[f"player{i}"]) ) stop = True if stop: continue tournament.matches.append(match) tournament.streamers = [Streamer.from_saved_data(tournament, x) for x in streamers] tournament.winner_categories = list( filter(None, [guild.get_channel(x) for x in winner_categories]) ) tournament.loser_categories = list( filter(None, [guild.get_channel(x) for x in loser_categories]) ) tournament.phase = phase tournament.register_phase = register tournament.checkin_phase = checkin tournament.ignored_events = ignored_events tournament.checkin_reminders = checkin_reminders if register_message_id and tournament.register_channel: try: message = await tournament.register_channel.fetch_message(register_message_id) except discord.NotFound: pass else: tournament.register_message = message return tournament
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Returns a dict ready for Config.""" offset = self.tournament_start.utcoffset() if offset: offset = offset.total_seconds() else: offset = 0 data = { "config": self.config, "name":, "game":, "url": self.url, "id":, "limit": self.limit, "status": self.status, "tournament_start": (int(self.tournament_start.timestamp()), offset), "bot_prefix": self.bot_prefix, "participants": [x.to_dict() for x in self.participants], "matches": [x.to_dict() for x in self.matches], "streamers": [x.to_dict() for x in self.streamers], "winner_categories": [ for x in self.winner_categories], "loser_categories": [ for x in self.loser_categories], "phase": self.phase, "tournament_type": self.tournament_type, "register": self.register_phase, "checkin": self.checkin_phase, "checkin_reminders": self.checkin_reminders, "ignored_events": self.ignored_events, "register_message_id": if self.register_message else None, } return data
[docs] async def save(self): """ Saves data with Config. This is done with the loop task during a tournament but must be called while it's not ongoing. """ data = self.to_dict() await
@property def allowed_roles(self): """ Return a list of roles that should have access to the temporary channels. """ allowed_roles = [] if self.to_role is not None: allowed_roles.append(self.to_role) if self.streamer_role is not None: allowed_roles.append(self.streamer_role) if self.tester_role is not None: allowed_roles.append(self.tester_role) return allowed_roles # some common utils @staticmethod def _format_datetime(date: datetime, only_time=False): timestamp = int(date.timestamp()) if only_time: return f"<t:{timestamp}:t>" return f"<t:{timestamp}:F>"
[docs] def next_scheduled_event(self) -> Tuple[str, timedelta]: """ Returns the next scheduled event (register/checkin/None) with the corresponding timedelta """ now = # the order here is important, as max() return the first highest value # it's pretty common to have some events with the same datetime, and the loop only runs # one event per iteration, so we place them in a logical order here events = { "register_start": (self.register_start, self.register_phase == "pending"), "checkin_stop": (self.checkin_stop, self.checkin_phase == "ongoing"), "checkin_start": (self.checkin_start, self.checkin_phase == "pending"), "register_second_start": (self.register_second_start, self.register_phase == "onhold"), "register_stop": (self.register_stop, self.register_phase == "ongoing"), } for name, (date, condition) in events.items(): if date is None: events[name] = None continue if name in self.ignored_events: events[name] = None continue delta = date - now if condition is True: events[name] = delta else: events[name] = None events = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None, events.items())) return min(events.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], default=None)
def _valid_dates(self): now = dates = [ (_("Registration start"), self.register_start, "register_start"), (_("Registration second start"), self.register_second_start, "register_second_start"), (_("Registration stop"), self.register_stop, "register_stop"), (_("Check-in start"), self.checkin_start, "checkin_start"), (_("Check-in stop"), self.checkin_stop, "checkin_stop"), ] passed = [(x, y, z) for x, y, z in dates if y and now > y] if passed: raise RuntimeError(_("Some dates are passed."), passed) if ( self.register_start and self.register_stop and not self.register_start < self.register_stop ): dates = [dates[0] + dates[2]] raise RuntimeError(_("Registration start and stop times conflict."), dates) if self.register_second_start and ( (self.register_start and not self.register_start < self.register_second_start) or (self.register_stop and not self.register_second_start < self.register_stop) ): dates = dates[:3] raise RuntimeError(_("Second registration start time conflict."), dates) if self.checkin_start and self.checkin_stop and not self.checkin_start < self.checkin_stop: dates = dates[3:] raise RuntimeError(_("Check-in start and stop times conflict."), dates) async def _get_available_category(self, dest: str, inc: int = 0): position = self.category.position + 1 if self.category else len(self.guild.categories) if dest == "winner": categories = self.winner_categories else: categories = self.loser_categories position += len(categories) try: return next(filter(lambda x: len(x.channels) + inc < 50, categories)) except StopIteration: if dest == "winner": name = "Winner bracket" else: name = "Loser bracket" channel = await self.guild.create_category( name, reason=_("New category of sets."), position=position ) await channel.edit(position=position) # discord won't let me place it on first try if dest == "winner": self.winner_categories.append(channel) else: self.loser_categories.append(channel) return channel async def _clear_categories(self): categories = self.winner_categories + self.loser_categories for category in categories: try: await category.delete() except discord.HTTPException as e: log.error( f"[Guild {}] Can't delete category {category} " "(_clear_categories was called).", exc_info=e, ) self.winner_categories = [] self.loser_categories = [] async def _get_top8(self): # if you're wondering how this works, well I have no idea :D # this was mostly taken from the original bot this cog is based on, ATOS by Wonderfall # rounds = await self._get_all_rounds() if not rounds: raise RuntimeError("There are no matches available.") top8 = self.top_8 # calculate top 8 top8["winner"]["top8"] = max(rounds) - 2 top8["loser"]["top8"] = min(rounds) + 2 # minimal values, in case of a small tournament if top8["winner"]["top8"] < 1: top8["winner"]["top8"] = 1 if top8["loser"]["top8"] > -1: top8["loser"]["top8"] = -1 # calculate bo5 start if self.start_bo5 > 0: top8["winner"]["bo5"] = top8["winner"]["top8"] + self.start_bo5 - 1 elif self.start_bo5 in (0, 1): top8["winner"]["bo5"] = top8["winner"]["top8"] + self.start_bo5 else: top8["winner"]["bo5"] = top8["winner"]["top8"] + self.start_bo5 + 1 if self.start_bo5 > 1: top8["loser"]["bo5"] = min(rounds) # top 3 is loser final anyway else: top8["loser"]["bo5"] = top8["loser"]["top8"] - self.start_bo5 # avoid aberrant values if top8["winner"]["bo5"] > max(rounds): top8["winner"]["bo5"] = max(rounds) if top8["winner"]["bo5"] < 1: top8["winner"]["bo5"] = 1 if top8["loser"]["bo5"] < min(rounds): top8["loser"]["bo5"] = min(rounds) if top8["loser"]["bo5"] > -1: top8["loser"]["bo5"] = -1
[docs] async def warn_bracket_change(self, *sets): """ Warn T.O.s of a bracket change. Parameters ---------- *sets: str The list of affected sets. """ await self.to_channel.send( _( ":information_source: Changes were detected on the upstream bracket.\n" "This may result in multiple sets ending, relaunch or cancellation.\n" "Affected sets: {sets}" ).format(sets=", ".join([f"#{x}" for x in sets])) )
# tools for finding objects within the instance's lists of Participants, Matches and Streamers
[docs] def find_participant( self, *, player_id: Optional[str] = None, discord_id: Optional[int] = None, discord_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[int, Participant]: """ Find a participant in the internal cache, and returns its object and position in the list. You need to provide only one of the parameters. Parameters ---------- player_id: Optional[str] Player's ID on the bracket, as returned by `Participant.player_id` discord_id: Optional[int] Player's Discord ID discord_name: Optional[str], as returned by `` Player's full Discord name, as returned by ``str(discord.Member)`` Returns ------- Tuple[int, Participant] The index of the participant in the list (useful for deletion or deplacement) and its `Participant` object Raises ------ RuntimeError No parameter was provided """ if player_id: try: return next( filter(lambda x: x[1].player_id == player_id, enumerate(self.participants)) ) except StopIteration: return None, None elif discord_id: try: return next(filter(lambda x: x[1].id == discord_id, enumerate(self.participants))) except StopIteration: return None, None elif discord_name: try: return next( filter(lambda x: str(x[1]) == discord_name, enumerate(self.participants)) ) except StopIteration: return None, None raise RuntimeError("Provide either player_id, discord_id or discord_name")
[docs] def find_match( self, *, match_id: Optional[int] = None, match_set: Optional[int] = None, channel_id: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Tuple[int, Match]: """ Find a match in the internal cache, and returns its object and position in the list. You need to provide only one of the parameters. Parameters ---------- match_id: Optional[int] Match's ID on the bracket, as returned by `` match_set: Optional[int] Match's number, or suggested play order, on the bracket, as returned by `Match.set` channel_id: Optional[id] Discord channel's ID, as returned by `` .. warning:: A match may not have a channel assigned Returns ------- Tuple[int, Match] The index of the match in the list (useful for deletion or deplacement) and its `Match` object Raises ------ RuntimeError No parameter was provided """ if match_id: try: return next(filter(lambda x: x[1].id == match_id, enumerate(self.matches))) except StopIteration: return None, None elif match_set: try: return next(filter(lambda x: x[1].set == match_set, enumerate(self.matches))) except StopIteration: return None, None elif channel_id: try: return next( filter( lambda x: x[1].channel and x[1] == channel_id, enumerate(self.matches), ) ) except StopIteration: return None, None raise RuntimeError("Provide either match_id, match_set or channel_id")
[docs] def find_streamer( self, *, channel: Optional[str] = None, discord_id: Optional[int] = None ) -> Tuple[int, Streamer]: """ Find a streamer in the internal cache, and returns its object and position in the list. You need to provide only one of the parameters. Parameters ---------- channel: Optional[str] The streamer's channel, as returned by `` (not full URL, only last part). Example for, use ``channel="dreekius"``. discord_id: Optional[int] Streamer's Discord ID Returns ------- Tuple[int, Streamer] The index of the streamer in the list (useful for deletion or deplacement) and its `Streamer` object Raises ------ RuntimeError No parameter was provided """ if channel: try: return next(filter(lambda x: x[1].channel == channel, enumerate(self.streamers))) except StopIteration: return None, None elif discord_id: try: return next( filter(lambda x: x[1] == discord_id, enumerate(self.streamers)) ) except StopIteration: return None, None raise RuntimeError("Provide either channel or discord_id")
# registration and check-in related methods def _prepare_register_message(self): if self.checkin_start: checkin = _(":white_small_square: __Check-in:__ From {begin} to {end}\n").format( begin=self._format_datetime(self.checkin_start, True), end=self._format_datetime(self.checkin_stop or self.tournament_start, True), ) else: checkin = "" if self.limit: limit = _("{registered}/{limit} participants registered").format( registered=len(self.participants), limit=self.limit ) else: limit = _("{registered} participants registered *(no limit set)*").format( registered=len(self.participants) ) if self.ruleset_channel: ruleset = _(":white_small_square: __Ruleset:__ See {channel}\n").format( channel=self.ruleset_channel.mention ) else: ruleset = "" return _( "**{}** | *{}*\n\n" ":white_small_square: __Date:__ {date}\n" ":white_small_square: __Register:__ Closing at {time}\n" "{checkin}" ":white_small_square: __Participants:__ {limit}\n" ":white_small_square: __Bracket:__ {t.url}\n" "{ruleset}\n" "You can register/unregister to this tournament with " "the `{t.bot_prefix}in` and `{t.bot_prefix}out` commands.\n" "*Note: your Discord username will be used in the bracket.*" ).format( t=self, date=self._format_datetime(self.tournament_start), time=self._format_datetime(self.register_stop or self.tournament_start, True), checkin=checkin, limit=limit, ruleset=ruleset, )
[docs] async def start_registration(self, second=False): """ Open the registrations and save. Parameters ---------- second: bool If this is the second time registrations are started (will not annouce the same message, and keep updating the same pinned message). Defaults to `False`. """ self.phase = "register" self.register_phase = "ongoing" if self.register_channel: if not second: self.register_message = await self.register_channel.send( self._prepare_register_message() ) await await self.register_channel.set_permissions( self.game_role, read_messages=True, send_messages=True ) if self.announcements_channel: if second: message = _( "{role} Registrations for the tournament **{tournament}** " "are now re-opened{channel} until {date}!" ).format( role=self.game_role.mention if self.game_role != self.guild.default_role else "",, channel=_(" in {channel}").format(channel=self.register_channel.mention) if self.register_channel else "", date=self._format_datetime(self.register_stop or self.tournament_start), ) elif self.register_channel: message = _( "{role} Registrations for the tournament **{tournament}** are now opened " "in {channel}! See the pinned message there for details.\n" ":calendar_spiral: This tournament will take place on **{date}**." ).format(, channel=self.register_channel.mention, role=self.game_role.mention if self.game_role != self.guild.default_role else "", date=self._format_datetime(self.tournament_start), ) else: if self.checkin_start: checkin = _( ":white_small_square: __Check-in:__ From {begin} to {end}\n" ).format( begin=self._format_datetime(self.checkin_start, True), end=self._format_datetime( self.checkin_stop or self.tournament_start, True ), ) else: checkin = "" if self.limit: limit = _("Limited to {limit} particiapants.").format( registered=len(self.participants), limit=self.limit ) else: limit = _("No limit set.") if self.ruleset_channel: ruleset = _(":white_small_square: __Ruleset:__ See {channel}\n").format( channel=self.ruleset_channel.mention ) else: ruleset = "" message = _( "{role} Registrations for the tournament **{}** are now opened!\n" ":calendar_spiral: This tournament will take place on **{date}**.\n\n" ":white_small_square: __Register:__ Closing at {time}\n" "{checkin}" ":white_small_square: __Participants:__ {limit}\n" ":white_small_square: __Bracket:__ {t.url}\n" "{ruleset}\n" "You can register/unregister to this tournament with " "the `{t.bot_prefix}in` and `{t.bot_prefix}out` commands.\n" "*Note: your Discord username will be used in the bracket.*" ).format( t=self, role=self.game_role.mention if self.game_role != self.guild.default_role else "", date=self._format_datetime(self.tournament_start), time=self._format_datetime(self.register_stop or self.tournament_start, True), register=self._format_datetime(self.register_start or self.tournament_start), checkin=checkin, limit=limit, ruleset=ruleset, ) mentions = discord.AllowedMentions(roles=[self.game_role]) if self.game_role else None await self.announcements_channel.send(message, allowed_mentions=mentions) await
[docs] async def end_registration(self): """ Close the registrations and save. If the check-in is also done, participants will be seeded and uploaded. Parameters ---------- background: bool If the function is called in a background loop. If `True`, the bot will do actions knowing there's no context command (for now, means a background seed and upload). Defaults to `False`. """ if self.register_second_start and self.register_second_start > self.register_phase = "onhold" else: self.register_phase = "done" if self.register_channel: if self.register_message: await self.register_message.edit(content=self._prepare_register_message()) await self.register_channel.set_permissions( self.game_role, read_messages=True, send_messages=False ) await self.register_channel.send(_("Registration ended.")) elif self.announcements_channel: # no registration channel, so we announce somewhere else await self.announcements_channel.send(_("Registration ended.")) if not self.next_scheduled_event(): # no more scheduled events, upload and wait for start self.phase = "awaiting" await self._background_seed_and_upload() await
[docs] async def start_check_in(self): """ Open the check-in and save. This will also calculate and fill the `checkin_reminders` list. """ if not self.participants: self.checkin_phase = "done" message = _("Cancelled check-in start since there are currently no participants. ") if not self.next_scheduled_event: # no more scheduled events, upload and wait for start self.phase = "awaiting" else: message += _( "Registrations are still ongoing, and new participants are pre-checked." ) await self.to_channel.send(message) return self.phase = "register" self.checkin_phase = "ongoing" message = _( "{role} The check-in for **{}** has started!\n" "You have to confirm your presence by typing `{t.bot_prefix}in` here{end_time}.\n" "If you want to unregister, type `{t.bot_prefix}out` instead.\n\n" ":warning: If you don't check in time, you will be unregistered!" ).format( t=self, role=self.participant_role.mention, end_time=_(" until {}").format( self._format_datetime(self.checkin_stop, only_time=True) ) if self.checkin_stop else "", ) mentions = discord.AllowedMentions(roles=[self.participant_role]) if self.checkin_channel: message = await self.checkin_channel.send(message, allowed_mentions=mentions) await await self.checkin_channel.set_permissions( self.participant_role, read_messages=True, send_messages=True ) elif self.announcements_channel: await self.announcements_channel.send(message, allowed_mentions=mentions) if self.register_channel and self.register_phase == "ongoing": await self.register_channel.send( _( ":information_source: Check-in started{channel}!\n" "You can still register here until {end_time}. " "Anyone registering as of now will already be checked in." ).format( channel=_(" in {}").format(self.checkin_channel.mention) if self.checkin_channel else "", end_time=self._format_datetime( self.register_stop or self.tournament_start, only_time=True ), ) ) if self.checkin_stop: duration = (self.checkin_stop - if duration < 60: # don't start the check-in only to end it within a minute self.ignored_events.append("checkin_stop") else: duration //= 60 # number of minutes if duration >= 10: self.checkin_reminders.append((5, False)) if duration >= 20: self.checkin_reminders.append((10, True)) if duration >= 40: self.checkin_reminders.append((15, False)) await
[docs] async def call_check_in(self, with_dm: bool = False): """ Pings participants that have not checked in yet. Only works with a check-in channel setup and a stop time. Parameters ---------- with_dm: bool If the bot should DM unchecked members too. Defaults to `False`. .. caution:: Prevent using this if there are too many unchecked members, as Discord started to ban bots sending too many DMs. """ if not self.checkin_channel: return if not self.checkin_stop: return members = [x for x in self.participants if not x.checked_in] if not members: return await self.checkin_channel.send( _( ":clock1: **Check-in reminder!**\n\n- {members}\n\n" "You have until {end_time} to check-in, or you'll be unregistered." ).format( members="\n- ".join([x.mention for x in members]), end_time=self._format_datetime(self.checkin_stop, only_time=True), ) ) if with_dm: for member in members: try: await member.send( _( ":warning: **Attention!** You have **{time} minutes** left " "for checking-in to the tournament **{tournament}**." ).format( time=round( (self.checkin_stop - / 60 ),, ) ) except discord.HTTPException: pass
[docs] async def end_checkin(self): """ Close the check-in, unregister unchecked members (attempts to DM) and save. If the registrations are also done, participants will be seeded and uploaded. Parameters ---------- background: bool If the function is called in a background loop. If `True`, the bot will do actions knowing there's no context command (for now, means a background seed and upload). Defaults to `False`. """ self.checkin_phase = "done" to_remove = [] failed = [] for member in filter(lambda x: x.checked_in is False, self.participants): try: await member.remove_roles( self.participant_role, reason=_("Participant not checked.") ) except discord.HTTPException as e: log.warn( f"[Guild {}] Can't remove participant role from unchecked " f"participant {member} (ID: {}) after check-in end.", exc_info=e, ) failed.append(member) try: await member.send( _( "You didn't check-in on time. " "You are therefore unregistered from the tournament **{tournament}**." ).format( ) except discord.HTTPException: pass to_remove.append(member) for member in to_remove: await self.unregister_participant(member, send_dm=False) text = _(":information_source: Check-in was ended. {removed}").format( removed=_("{} participants didn't check and were unregistered.").format(len(to_remove)) if to_remove else _("No participant was unregistered.") ) if failed: text += _("\n\n:warning: {} participants couldn't have their roles removed:\n") text += " ".join([x.mention for x in failed]) for page in pagify(text): await self.to_channel.send(page) if self.checkin_channel: await self.checkin_channel.set_permissions( self.game_role, read_messages=True, send_messages=False ) await self.checkin_channel.send( _("Check-in ended. Participants who didn't check are unregistered.") ) elif self.announcements_channel: await self.announcements_channel.send( _("Check-in ended. Participants who didn't check are unregistered.") ) if not self.next_scheduled_event: # no more scheduled events, upload and wait for start self.phase = "awaiting" await self._background_seed_and_upload() await
[docs] async def register_participant(self, member: discord.Member, send_dm: bool = True): """ Register a new participant to the tournament (add role) and save. If the check-in has started, participant will be pre-checked. If there is a limit of participants, the auto-stop setting for registrations is enabled and the limit is reached, registrations will be closed. The `Participant` object is not returned and directly added to the list. Parameters ---------- member: discord.Member The member to register. They must be in the server. send_dm: bool If the bot should DM the new participant for their registrations. Defaults to `True`. """ if self.limit and len(self.participants) >= self.limit: raise RuntimeError("Limit reached.") await member.add_roles(self.participant_role, reason=_("Registering to tournament.")) participant = self.participant_object(member, self) if self.checkin_phase == "ongoing" or self.checkin_phase == "done": # registering during or after check-in, count as already checked participant.checked_in = True if not (self.ranking["league_name"] and self.ranking["league_id"]) or ( self.participants and self.participants[-1].player_id is not None ): # either there's no ranking, in which case we always upload on register, or # last registered participant has a player ID, so we should upload them to the bracket # first we seed them, if possible try: await self.seed_participants() except Exception: pass # any exception will roll back the list of participants so we're safe await self.add_participant(participant) self.participants.append(participant) log.debug(f"[Guild {}] Player {member} registered.") if ( self.limit and self.autostop_register and self.register_phase == "ongoing" and len(self.participants) >= self.limit ): await self.end_registration() await if not send_dm: return try: await member.send( _("You are now registered to the tournament **{name}**!").format( ) except discord.HTTPException: pass
[docs] async def unregister_participant(self, member: discord.Member, send_dm: bool = True): """ Remove a participant. If the player is uploaded on the bracket, they will also be removed from there. If the tournament has started, member will be disqualified instead. This removes roles and DMs the participant. Parameters ---------- member: discord.Member The member to disqualify Raise ----- KeyError The member is not registered """ i, participant = self.find_participant( if i is None: raise KeyError("Participant not found.") if participant.player_id is not None: await participant.destroy() if participant.match is not None: await participant.match.disqualify(participant) await participant.remove_roles( self.participant_role, reason=_("Unregistering from tournament.") ) del self.participants[i] await if not send_dm: return try: await participant.send(_("You were unregistered from the tournament.")) except discord.Forbidden: pass
# seeding stuff # 95% of this code is made by Wonderfall, from ATOS bot (original) # async def _fetch_braacket_ranking_info(self): if self.last_ranking_fetch and self.last_ranking_fetch + timedelta( minutes=5 ) < # 5 min cooldown on ranking fetch return league_name, league_id = self.ranking["league_name"], self.ranking["league_id"] headers = { "User-Agent": ( f"Red-DiscordBot {red_version} Laggrons-Dumb-Cogs/tournaments {self.cog_version}" ), "Connection": "close", } path = cog_data_path(None, raw_name="Tournaments") / "ranking" / str( path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers) as session: for page in range(1, 6): url = f"{league_name}/ranking/{league_id}" parameters = { "rows": 200, "page": page, "export": "csv", } file_path = path / f"page{page}.csv" async with session.get(url, params=parameters) as response: if response.status >= 400: raise RuntimeError(response.status, response.reason) async with, mode="wb") as file: await file.write(await if page != 1 and filecmp.cmp(file_path, path / f"page{page-1}.csv"): await aiofiles.os.remove(file_path) break self.last_ranking_fetch = async def _seed_participants(self): ranking = {} path = cog_data_path(None, raw_name="Tournaments") / "ranking" # open and parse the previously downloaded CSV for file in list(path.rglob("*.csv")): with open(file, errors="surrogateescape") as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) for row in reader: ranking[row["Player"]] = int(row["Points"]) # base elo : put at bottom base_elo = min(list(ranking.values())) ranked = [] not_ranked = [] # assign elo ranking to each player for player in self.participants: try: player.elo = ranking[str(player)] ranked.append(player) except KeyError: player.elo = base_elo # base Elo if none found not_ranked.append(player) # Sort & clean shuffle(not_ranked) sorted_participants = sorted(ranked, key=lambda x: x.elo, reverse=True) self.participants = sorted_participants + not_ranked
[docs] async def seed_participants(self, remove_unchecked: bool = False): """ Seed the participants if ranking info is configured. .. warning:: If an exception occurs, the list of participants will be rolled back to its previous state, then the error propagates. Parameters ---------- remove_unchecked: bool If unchecked members should be removed from the internal list and the upload. Defaults to `False` """ prev_participants = copy(self.participants) try: if self.ranking["league_name"] and self.ranking["league_id"]: await self._fetch_braacket_ranking_info() await self._seed_participants() if remove_unchecked is True: self.participants = [x for x in self.participants if x.checked_in] except Exception: # roll back to a previous state self.participants = prev_participants raise
async def _background_seed_and_upload(self): """ Run self.seed_participants_and_upload, but catch and log exceptions to the to channel. Used when it needs to be ran in the background (register/checkin automated close, no context), because an issue with this needs to be told. """ try: await self.seed_participants() await self.add_participants() except Exception as e: log.error( f"[Guild {}] Can't seed and upload participants (background).", exc_info=e, ) await self.to_channel.send( _( ":warning: An issue occured when trying to seed and upload participants " "after registration/checkin close. Try running it manually with `{prefix}" "upload`, and contact admins if the issue persists." ).format(prefix=self.bot_prefix) ) # starting the tournament...
[docs] async def send_start_messages(self): """ Send the required messages when starting the tournament. Depending on the configured channels, announcements will be sent in: * The announcements channel * The scores channel * The queue channel """ scores_channel = ( _(" in {channel}").format(channel=self.scores_channel.mention) if self.scores_channel else "" ) messages = { self.announcements_channel: _( "The tournament **{tournament}** has started! Bracket: {bracket}\n" ":white_small_square: You can access it " "anytime with the `{prefix}bracket` command.\n" ":white_small_square: You can check the current " "streams with the `{prefix}streams` command.\n\n" "{participant} Please read the instructions :\n" "{queue_channel}" "{rules_channel}" ":white_small_square: The winner of a set must report the score **as soon as " "possible**{scores_channel} with the `{prefix}win` command.\n" ":white_small_square: You can disqualify from the tournament with the " "`{prefix}dq` command, or just abandon your current set with the `{prefix}ff` " "command.\n" ":white_small_square: In case of lag making the game unplayable, use the `{prefix}" "lag` command to call the T.O.\n" "{delay}." ).format(, bracket=self.url, participant=self.participant_role.mention, queue_channel=_( ":white_small_square: Your sets are announced in {channel}.\n" ).format(channel=self.queue_channel.mention) if self.queue_channel else "", rules_channel=_( ":white_small_square: The ruleset is available in {channel}.\n" ).format(channel=self.ruleset_channel.mention) if self.ruleset_channel else "", scores_channel=scores_channel, delay=_( ":timer: **You will automatically be disqualified if you don't talk in your " "channel within the first {delay}.**" ).format(delay=humanize_timedelta(timedelta=self.delay)) if self.delay else "", prefix=self.bot_prefix, ), self.scores_channel: _( ":information_source: Management of the scores for the " "tournament **{tournament}** is automated:\n" ":white_small_square: Only **the winner of the set** " "sends their score with the `{prefix}win` command.\n" ":white_small_square: You must follow this " "format: `{prefix}win 2-0, 3-2, 3-1, ...`.\n" ":white_small_square: Look at the bracket to **check** the informations: {url}\n" ":white_small_square: In case of a wrong input, contact a T.O. for a manual fix." ).format(, url=self.url, prefix=self.bot_prefix), self.queue_channel: _( ":information_source: **Set launch is automated.** " "Please follow the instructions in this channel.\n" ":white_small_square: Any streamed set will be " "announced here, and in your channel.\n" ":white_small_square: Any BO5 set will be precised here and in your channel.\n" ":white_small_square: The player beginning the bans is picked and " "annonced in your channel (you can also use `{prefix}flip`).\n\n{dq}" ).format( prefix=self.bot_prefix, dq=_( ":timer: **You will be disqualified if you were not active in your channel** " "within {delay} after the set launch." ).format(delay=humanize_timedelta(timedelta=self.delay)) if self.delay else "", ), } for channel, message in messages.items(): if channel is None: continue try: await channel.send(message) except discord.HTTPException as e: log.error(f"[Guild {}] Can't send message in {channel}.", exc_info=e)
# now this is the loop task stuff, the one that runs during the tournament (not other phases)
[docs] async def announce_sets(self): """ Wraps the messages stored in `matches_to_announce` and sends them in the `queue_channel`. """ if not self.queue_channel: return message = "" for match in self.matches_to_announce: message += match + "\n" self.matches_to_announce = [] for page in pagify(message): await self.queue_channel.send( page, allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(users=False) )
[docs] async def launch_sets(self): """ Launch pending matches, creating a channel and marking the match as ongoing. This only launches 20 matches max. This is wrapped inside `asyncio.gather`, so errors will not propagate. """ match: Match coros = [] # islice will limit the output to 20. see this as list[:20] but with a generator for i, match in enumerate( islice(filter(lambda x: x.status == "pending" and is None, self.matches), 20) ): # we get the category in the iteration instead of the gather # because if all functions call _get_available_category at the same time, # a new category will be returned for each bracket = "winner" if match.round > 0 else "loser" category = await self._get_available_category(bracket, i) coros.append(match.launch(category=category)) if not coros: return results = await asyncio.gather(*coros, return_exceptions=True) for result in filter(None, results): log.error(f"[Guild {}] Can't launch a set.", exc_info=result) await self.announce_sets()
[docs] def update_streamer_list(self): """ Update the internal streamer's list (next stream attr) """ for streamer in self.streamers: streamer._update_list()
[docs] async def launch_streams(self): """ Launch the streams (call the next matches in the streamer's queue). You must call `update_streamer_list` first. """ match: Match for match in filter(lambda x: x.streamer and x.on_hold, self.matches): if match.streamer.current_match and == await match.start_stream()
[docs] async def check_for_channel_timeout(self): """ Look through the ongoing/finished matches and compare durations to see if AFK check or channel deletion is required, and proceed. """ match: Match for i, match in filter( lambda x: x[1].status != "pending" and x[1].channel is not None, enumerate(self.matches), ): if self.delay and match.status == "ongoing": if not match.checked_dq and match.duration > self.delay: log.debug(f"Checking inactivity for match {match.set}") await match.check_inactive() elif match.status == "finished": if and (match.end_time + timedelta(minutes=5)) < ): log.debug(f"Checking deletion for match {match.set}") try: await"5 minutes passed after set end.")) except discord.HTTPException as e: log.warn( f"[Guild {}] Can't delete set channel #{match.set}.", exc_info=e, ) del self.matches[i]
[docs] async def check_for_too_long_matches(self): """ Look through the ongoing matches and verifies the duration. Warn if necessary. """ match: Match for match in filter( lambda x: x.status == "ongoing" and and not x.on_hold and x.streamer is None, self.matches, ): max_length = self.time_until_warn["bo5" if match.is_bo5 else "bo3"] if match.warned is True: continue if not max_length[0]: continue if match.warned is None: if match.duration > max_length[0]: await match.warn_length() elif max_length[1] and > match.warned + max_length[1]: await match.warn_to_length()
async def _loop_task(self): if self.task_errors >= MAX_ERRORS: log.critical(f"[Guild {}] Reached 5 errors, closing the task...") try: await self.to_channel.send( _( ":warning: **Attention**\nMultiple bugs occured within the loop task. " "It is therefore stopped. The bot will stop refreshing informations " "and launching matches.\nIf you believe the issue is fixed, resume " "the tournament with `{prefix}tfix resumetask`, else contact bot " "administrators." ).format(prefix=self.bot_prefix) ) except Exception as e: log.error(f"[Guild {}] Can't tell TOs of the above bug.", exc_info=e) finally: self.stop_loop_task() return # shouldn't be reached but to make sure try: await self._update_participants_list() await self._update_match_list() self.update_streamer_list() except Exception as e: log.error( f"[Guild {}] Can't update internal match and participant list! " "This may be an error from the upstream bracket, or the bot failed when " "checking for changes.", exc_info=e, ) self.task_errors += 1 return coros = [ self.launch_sets(), self.check_for_channel_timeout(), self.check_for_too_long_matches(), ] results = await asyncio.gather(*coros, return_exceptions=True) for i, result in enumerate(results): if result is None: continue log.warning(f"[Guild {}] Failed with coro {coros[i]}.", exc_info=result) self.task_errors += 1 try: await self.launch_streams() except Exception as e: log.error(f"[Guild {}] Can't update streams.", exc_info=e) self.task_errors += 1 # saving is done after all of our jobs, so the data shouldn't move too much await @tasks.loop(seconds=15) async def loop_task(self): """ A `discord.ext.tasks.Loop` object, started with the tournament's start and running each 15 seconds. Does the required background stuff, such as updating the matches list, launch new matches, update streamers, check for AFK... Running this will acquire our `lock`. See the documentation on a Loop object for more details. .. warning:: Use `start_loop_task` for starting the task, not `Loop.start <discord.ext.tasks.Loop.start>`. Raises ------ asyncio.TimeoutError Running the task took more than 30 seconds """ # we're using a lock to prevent actions such as score setting of DQs being done while we're # updating the match list, which can make the bot think there were manual bracket changes try: async with self.lock: # since this will block other commands, we put an uncatched timeout await asyncio.wait_for(self._loop_task(), 30) except Exception: raise else: if self.task_errors: # there were previous errors but the task ran without any new exception # so we're resetting the errors count (or 502 errors will keep cancelling the task) self.task_errors = 0 loop_task.__doc__ = loop_task.coro.__doc__
[docs] async def cancel_timeouts(self): """ Sometimes relaunching the bot after too long will result in a lot of DQs due to AFK checks, so this function will cancel all AFK checks for the matches that are going to have players DQed. """ if self.delay is None: return to_timeout = [ x for x in self.matches if x.status == "ongoing" and x.checked_dq is False and x.duration is not None and x.duration > self.delay and (x.player1.spoke is False or x.player2.spoke is False) ] if not to_timeout: return log.warning( f"[Guild {}] Cancelling DQ checks for {len(to_timeout)} " "matches due to loop task being resumed." ) for match in to_timeout: match.checked_dq = True await self.to_channel.send( _( ":information_source: Task is being resumed after some time. To prevent " "participants being incorrectly marked as AFK, {len} matches' AFK check are " "disabled." ).format(len=len(to_timeout)) )
[docs] async def start_loop_task(self): """ Starts the internal loop task. This will check for possible leftovers and cancel any previous task matching our name within the current asyncio loop. We **do not** want duplicated tasks, as this will result in the worst nightmare (RIP DashDances #36 and Super Smash Bronol #46). Then we try to prevent abusive disqualifications with `cancel_timeouts`. Oh and we also set a contextual locale for i18n, see `redbot.core.i18n.set_contextual_locales_from_guild`. Finally, the task is started and given the name "Tournament {tournamet_id}" """ # We had some issues with duplicated tasks, this isn't even supposed to be possible, but # it somehow happened, and more than once. Having duplicated tasks is the worst scenario, # all channels and messages are duplicated, and most commands won't work, # ruining a tournament # # To prevent this from happening, we're giving a name to our task (based on ID) and # check if there are tasks with the same name within the current asyncio loop # If we find tasks with matching names, we cancel them # task_name = f"Tournament {}" old_tasks = [x for x in asyncio.all_tasks() if x.get_name() == task_name] if old_tasks: log.warning(f"[Guild {}] Found old tasks, cancelling") for old_task in old_tasks: if not old_task.done(): old_task.cancel() try: await self.cancel_timeouts() except Exception as e: log.error( f"[Guild {}] Failed cancelling timeouts. " "Loop task will still be resumed.", exc_info=e, ) await set_contextual_locales_from_guild(, self.guild) self.task = self.loop_task.start() self.task.set_name(task_name)
[docs] def stop_loop_task(self): """ Stops the loop task. This is preferred over `discord.ext.tasks.Loop.cancel`. """ if self.task and not self.task.done(): self.task.cancel()
# debug util # def _debug_dump(self): # file = open(cog_data_path(raw_name="Tournaments") / "debug.txt", "w+") # s = self # content = ( # f"----- TOURNAMENT {} -----\n" # f"url={s.url} id={} status={s.status} phase={s.phase}\n" # f"tstart={s.tournament_start}\nrstart={s.register_start} " # f"rsecstart={s.register_second_start} rstop={s.register_stop}\n" # f"cstart={s.checkin_start} cstop={s.checkin_stop}\n" # f"next_event={s.next_scheduled_event()} ignored={s.ignored_events}\n" # f"rphase={s.register_phase} participantslen={len(s.participants)}\n" # f"cphase={s.register_phase} " # f"checkedlen={len([x for x in s.participants if x.checked_in])}" # ) # content += "\n\n\n" # m: Match # for i, m in enumerate(self.matches): # if m.start_time and m.checked_dq is False: # time_until_dq_check = ( # m.start_time + timedelta(minutes=self.delay) # ) - # else: # time_until_dq_check = None # if m.end_time: # time_until_delete = (m.end_time + timedelta(minutes=5)) - # else: # time_until_delete = None # content += ( # f"----- MATCH {i} -----\n" # f"status={m.status} round={m.round} set={m.set} id={}\n" # f"start_time={m.start_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') if m.start_time else None} " # f"end_time={m.end_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') if m.end_time else None} " # f"underway={m.underway} channel={ if else None}\n" # f"checked_dq={m.checked_dq} time_until_dq_check={time_until_dq_check} " # f"time_until_delete={time_until_delete}\n" # f"player1= name={m.player1} player_id={m.player1.player_id} spoke=" # f"{m.player1.spoke} discord_id={}\n" # f"player1= name={m.player2} player_id={m.player2.player_id} spoke=" # f"{m.player2.spoke} discord_id={}\n\n" # ) # content += "\n\n\n" # s: Streamer # for i, s in enumerate(self.streamers): # content += ( # f"----- STREAMER {i} -----\n" # f"link={} room_id={s.room_id} room_code={s.room_code}\n" # f"member={s.member}\n" # f"current_match={s.current_match}\n" # f"matches={s.matches}\n\n" # ) # content += "\n\n\n" # p: Participant # for i, p in enumerate(self.participants): # content += ( # f"----- PARTICIPANT {i} -----\n" # f"name={p} id={} player_id={p.player_id}\n" # f"match_set={p.match.set if p.match else None} match_id=" # f"{ if p.match else None} spoke={p.spoke} check={p.checked_in}\n\n" # ) # file.write(content) # file.close() # async def debug_loop_task(self): # while True: # self._debug_dump() # await asyncio.sleep(1) # abstract methods that will have to be overwritten by the class that inherits from this # represents the API calls done to the remote bracket
[docs] async def _get_all_rounds(self) -> List[int]: """ Return a list of all rounds in the bracket. This is used to determine the top 8. This is a new method because our Match class will not be created without players, so we add this new method which only fetch what we need. Returns ------- List[int] The list of rounds. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def _update_participants_list(self): """ Updates the internal list of participants, checking for changes such as: * Player DQ/removal * New player added (pre game) .. warning:: A name change on remote is considered as a player removal + addition. If the name doesn't match any member, they will be rejected. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def _update_match_list(self): """ Updates the internal list of changes, checking for changes such as: * Score set manually * Score modified (if there are ongoing/finished sets beyond this match in the bracket, they will be reset) * Match reset (the set will be relaunched, ongoing/finished sets beyond this match in the bracket will be reset) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def start(self): """ Starts the tournament. Raises ------ RuntimeError The tournament is already started. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def stop(self): """ Stops the tournament. Raises ------ RuntimeError The tournament is already stopped or not started. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def add_participant(self, name: str, seed: Optional[int] = None): """ Adds a participant to the tournament. Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the participant seed: int The participant's new seed. Must be between 1 and the current number of participants (including the new record). Omit to place at the bottom. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def add_participants( self, participants: Optional[List[Participant]] = None, force: bool = False ) -> int: """ Adds a list of participants to the tournament, ordered as you want them to be seeded. The participants will have their `Participant.player_id` updated as needed. Parameters ---------- participants: Optional[List[Participant]] The list of participants. The first element will be seeded 1. If not provided, will use the instance's `participants` attribute instead. force: bool If you want the bot to override the previous list of participants on the bracket. Defaults to `False`. * If set to `True`: All manually added participants and seeding will be lost, and the new list will be exactly the same as what's provided. All player IDs will be modified. * If set to `False`: The bot will call `list_participants` and remove all elements from the list where the player ID is already inside the upstream list. Then we bulk add what's remaining, without clearing the rest. Participants are still seeded, but at the end, separated from the rest. Returns ------- int How many members were appended to the list. Can be useful for knowing if the bot appended participants or if it was an initial upload (or forced). Raise ----- RuntimeError The list of participants provided was empty, or there was nothing new to upload. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def destroy_player(self, player_id: str): """ Destroys a player. This is the same call as Player.destroy, but only the player ID is needed. Useful for unavailable discord member. Parameters ---------- player_id: str The player to remove. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def list_participants(self) -> List[Participant]: """ Returns the list of participants from the tournament host. Returns ------- List[str] The list of participants. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def list_matches(self) -> List[Match]: """ Returns the list of matches from the tournament host. Returns ------- List[str] The list of matches. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] async def reset(self): """ Resets the bracket. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class Streamer: """ Represents a streamer in the tournament. Will be assigned to matches. Does not necessarily exists on remote depending on the provider. There is no API call in this class *for now*. Parameters ---------- tournament: Tournament The current tournament member: discord.Member The streamer on Discord. Must be in the tournament's guild. channel: str The streamer's channel. Must only be the last part of the URL, not full. (e.g. for use ``channel="el laggron"``) Attributes ---------- tournament: Tournament The current tournament member: discord.Member The streamer on Discord. Must be in the tournament's guild. channel: str The streamer's channel. Must only be the last part of the URL, not full. (e.g. for use ``channel="el laggron"``) link: str The streamer's full channel URL room_id: str Streamer's room ID, specific to Smash Bros. room_code: str Streamer's room code, specific to Smash Bros. matches: List[Union[Match, int]] The list of matches in the streamer's queue. Can be `Match` if it exists (both players available, on hold) or `int`, representing the set. current_match: Optional[Match] The streamer's current match. """ def __init__( self, tournament: Tournament, member: discord.Member, channel: str, respect_order: bool = False, ): self.tournament = tournament self.member = member = channel self.respect_order = respect_order = f"{channel}/" self.room_id = None self.room_code = None self.matches: List[Union[Match, int]] = [] self.current_match: Optional[Match] = None @classmethod def from_saved_data(cls, tournament: Tournament, data: dict): guild = tournament.guild member = guild.get_member(data["member"]) if member is None: raise RuntimeError("Streamer member lost.") cls = cls(tournament, member, data["channel"], data["respect_order"]) cls.room_id = data["room_id"] cls.room_code = data["room_code"] cls.matches = list( filter( None, [tournament.find_match(match_set=str(x))[1] or x for x in data["matches"]] ) ) for match in cls.matches: if not isinstance(match, int): match.streamer = cls if data["current_match"]: cls.current_match = tournament.find_match(match_set=str(data["current_match"]))[1] return cls def to_dict(self) -> dict: return { "member":, "channel":, "respect_order": self.respect_order, "room_id": self.room_id, "room_code": self.room_code, "matches": [self.get_set(x) for x in self.matches], "current_match": self.get_set(self.current_match) if self.current_match else None, }
[docs] def get_set(self, x): """ Return the set number of a match in the streamer's queue. Accepts `Match` or `int`. Parameters ---------- x: Union[Match, int] The match you need """ return int(x.set) if hasattr(x, "set") else x
def __str__(self): return
[docs] def set_room(self, room_id: str, code: Optional[str] = None): """ Set streamer's room info (specific to Smash Bros.) Parameters ---------- room_id: str Streamer's room ID code: Optional[str] Streamer's room code """ self.room_id = room_id self.room_code = code
[docs] async def check_integrity(self, sets: int, *, add: bool = False): """ Verify if the list of sets provided is valid before adding them to the list. Parameters ---------- sets: int The list of sets you want to check (and add). Only `int`, no `Match` instance. add: bool If you want to add the valid sets to the queue at the same time. Returns ------- dict A dictionnary of the errors that occured (set -> translated error msg). If this is empty, it's all good. """ errors = {} for _set in sets: if _set in [self.get_set(x) for x in self.matches]: errors[_set] = _("You already have that set in your queue.") continue for streamer in self.tournament.streamers: if _set in [self.get_set(x) for x in streamer.matches]: errors[_set] = _( "That set already has a streamer defined *(<{streamer}>)*." ).format(streamer=streamer) continue match = self.tournament.find_match(match_set=str(_set))[1] if match: if match.status == "finished": errors[_set] = _("That match is finished.") continue if add is False: continue match.streamer = self if match.status == "ongoing": # match is ongoing, we have to tell players if not self.matches: # first match in the list, no need to interrupt, just send info match.on_hold = False else: # match has to be paused match.on_hold = True await match.stream_queue_add() if add: self.matches.append(match or _set) return errors
[docs] async def add_matches(self, *sets): """ Add matches to the streamer's queue. Parameters ---------- *sets: Union[Match, int] The matches you want to add. """ self.matches.extend(*sets)
[docs] async def remove_matches(self, *sets: int): """ Remove a list of matches from the streamer's queue. Parameters ---------- *sets: int The list of sets you want to remove. Only `int`, no `Match` instance. Raises ------ KeyError The list was unchanged. """ new_list = [] to_remove = [] for match in self.matches: if self.get_set(match) in sets: to_remove.append(match) else: new_list.append(match) if not to_remove: raise KeyError("None of the given sets found.") else: self.matches = new_list for match in to_remove: if isinstance(match, Match): await match.cancel_stream() if match == self.current_match: self.current_match = None
[docs] def swap_match(self, set1: int, set2: int): """ Swap the position of two matches in the streamer's queue. Parameters ---------- set1: int The first set. set2: int The second set. Raises ------ KeyError One or more sets not found """ try: i1, match1 = next( filter(lambda x: set1 == self.get_set(x[1]), enumerate(self.matches)) ) i2, match2 = next( filter(lambda x: set2 == self.get_set(x[1]), enumerate(self.matches)) ) except StopIteration as e: raise KeyError("One set not found.") from e self.matches[i1] = match2 self.matches[i2] = match1
[docs] def insert_match(self, set: int, *, set2: int = None, position: int = None): """ Insert a match in the list. The match must already exist in the list. Provide either ``set2`` or ``position`` as keyword argument. Parameters ---------- set: int The set you want to move. Only `int` type, not `Match`. set2: int The set you want to use to define the position. Only `int` type, not `Match`. position: int The new position in the list. 0 = first ; 1 = second ... Providing a number out of bounds will move the item at the limit, it's just *Python's magic*. (eg: -5 moves to first place) Raises ------ KeyError The given set was not found RuntimeError Neither ``set2`` or ``position`` was provided. """ if set2 is None and position is None: raise RuntimeError("Provide set2 or position.") try: i, match = next(filter(lambda x: set == self.get_set(x[1]), enumerate(self.matches))) if set2: position = next( filter(lambda x: set2 == self.get_set(x[1]), enumerate(self.matches)) )[0] except StopIteration as e: raise KeyError("One set not found.") from e del self.matches[i] self.matches.insert(position, match)
[docs] async def end(self): """ Cancels all streams for the streamer's queue, telling the players. Basically calls `Match.cancel_stream` for existing matches. """ for match in filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, Match), self.matches): await match.cancel_stream()
def _update_list(self): matches = [] for match in self.matches: if isinstance(match, Match): matches.append(match) continue match_object = self.tournament.find_match(match_set=str(match))[1] if match_object: if match_object.status != "pending": continue match_object.streamer = self match_object.on_hold = True matches.append(match_object) else: matches.append(match) self.matches = matches if self.current_match: if self.current_match.status != "finished": return # wait for it to end try: self.matches.remove(self.current_match) except ValueError: pass self.current_match = None try: next_match = self.matches[0] except IndexError: return if isinstance(next_match, int): return self.current_match = next_match