

These docs refers to the version 2.0.0. Make sure you’re under the good version by typing [p]cog update.

This is the guide for the roleinvite cog. Everything you need is here.

[p] is considered as your prefix.


To install the cog, first load the downloader cog, included in core Red.:

[p]load downloader

Then you will need to install the Laggron’s Dumb Cogs repository:

[p]repo add Laggrons-Dumb-Cogs v3

Finally, you can install the cog:

[p]cog install Laggrons-Dumb-Cogs roleinvite


The cog is not loaded by default. To load it, type this:

[p]load roleinvite


Before giving the commands list, I’d like to show you how the cog is working.

The cog works with what I call invite links. Each invite link is linked to one or more roles. This mean that, every time a new user join the server, if they used the invite A to join the server, they will get the list of roles linked to the invite A.

You can link many roles to multiple invites, so you can imagine something like “click here if you are an engineer, else click here if you’re an architect”, and make roleinvite give the engineer or architect roles.

You can also link roles to default or main autorole. If you link roles to the main autorole, the new member will get these roles if they joined with an unlinked invite. If you link roles to the default autorole, new users will always get these roles, whatever invite they used.

Here’s a schema for a better understanding:


Here’s the list of all commands of this cog.





This is the main command used for setting up the code. It will be used for all other commands.

inviteset add


[p]roleinviteset add <invite|main|default> <role>


Link a role to a Discord invite or a default autorole.

  • If invite is specified (a discord invite link), a new invite link will be created with the role you gave.

  • If main is specified, the role will be linked to the main autorole.

  • If default is given, the role will be linked to the default autorole.

You can link more roles by typing the command with the same argument.


  • <invite> The object to link the role to.

    • If it is a Discord invite URL, the role will be linked to it.

    • If it is main, the role will be linked to the main autorole (role given if the invite used is not linked to any roles).

    • If it is default, the role will be linked to the default autorole (role always given, whatever invite the user used).

  • <role> The role to be linked. Please give the exact role name or the ID.

inviteset remove


[p]roleinviteset remove <invite|main|default> [role]


Unlink a role from an autorole. If the role is not given, the entire autorole will be removed.


  • <invite> The object that will be edited.

    • If it is a Discord invite URL, the role will be unlinked from it.

    • If it is main, the role will be unlinked from the main autorole.

    • If it is default, the role will be unlinked from the default autorole.

  • [role] Optional. The role to be unlinked. Please give the exact role name or the ID. If not given, the entire autorole will be removed.

inviteset list


[p]roleinviteset list


List all of the existing autoroles on the guild, with their linked roles.

inviteset enable


[p]roleinviteset enable


Enable or disable the autorole system.


If it was removed without your action, that means that the bot somehow lost its permissions. Make sure it has the good permissions and enable it again.

Frequently Asked Question


Your question is not in the list or you got an unexcpected issue?

You should join the Discord server or post an issue on the repo.

Can I make it so the bot adds x roles if the invite used is unknown?

Yes, by using the main value instead of using a discord invite when creating a new invite link. See roleinviteset add command’s arguments for more informations.

Can I make it so the bot always adds x roles, regardless of the invite used?

Yes, by using the default value instead of using a discord invite when creating a new invite link. See roleinviteset add command’s arguments for more informations.

The bot suddenly stopped adding roles to the new members

The bot will automatically turn off the autorole system if it loses the Manage sever or the Add roles permissions, which are absolutely necessary for the cog.

If you added the permissions back, enable the autorole again with the command enable.

Some roles are not added to the new members

This can happens if the role hierarchy is modified after the roles got linked. Remember that a bot/member can only add roles that are below them in the role hierarchy.

Modify the role hierarchy and make sure all necessary roles are below the bot’s highest role. If it still doesn’t work, try to link the role again.